Opening June 16th!

We at Lion’s Heart Farm are committed to the health and wellbeing of the land, the food we grow, and the community we live in. We do not use pesticides or herbicides. Instead we use tools guided by our hands to nurture our produce the way Mother Nature intends. We amend the soil with repurposed organic material from the farm to nourish the soil and all that grows from it.

This June 2024, for the first time, we are proud to offer vegetables, fruits, flowers, herbs, and eggs all produced from this land. We are open Thursday through Sunday, 10am to 6pm through the month of October. Visit weekly to see our offerings and availabilities.

Current Produce Available:

Leafy Greens: Green and red romaine lettuce, green and red buttercrunch lettuce, spinach, chard, and kale

Herbs: Cilantro, basil, dill oregano, thyme, parsley, sage, summer savory, and majoron

Eggs from free-range chickens

Enjoy chickens foraging their compost pile full of worms!

Chicken Diet:

We provide our chickens with a balanced, nutrient rich diets supplemented with organic produce to support healthy chickens and eggs. They are free-range and have access to grass, bugs, and organic grains.